Call for Abstracts


Delegates are invited to submit abstracts for either an oral and/or poster presentation. All abstracts must be written in English.

Critical Dates

Submission of Abstracts

Your abstract must reach the Congress organisers on or before 1st November 2011.

Instructions for Submission of Abstracts

On-line submission and further instructions will be available 10 May 2011

Abstract Topics

You should classify your abstract in one of the following topics:

Main Themes

A.  Science to underpin sustainable fisheries
Further information on this theme

  1. Predictions and adaptations of climate change impacts on fish and fisheries
  2. Coordinated fisheries and environmental observation systems supporting an ecosystem approach
  3. Reconciling fisheries and marine management needs with conservation objectives
  4. Development and use of management strategy evaluation and procedures for robust fisheries management
  5. Understanding and mitigating the impact of fishing on ecosystem functioning through coordinated ecosystem/food web modelling
  6. Spatial scales in the structure and management of fisheries resources
  7. Ecological-economic modelling tools for integrated fish stock and fisheries management
  8. The biology, sustainability and ecosystem impacts of deepwater fisheries: challenges for management
  9. Unobserved fishing mortality
  10. Impacts of mobile gear fisheries on the sea floor

B.  Inland fisheries: Biodiversity, food security and the need for ecosystem management
Further information on this theme

  1. Quantifying the full range of ecosystem services, including fisheries, provided by fresh waters
  2. Quantifying the economic and societal benefits that inland fisheries provide to society (Millennium Development Goals)
  3. Projecting future demands and changes in inland fisheries
  4. Using rapid assessments of stock to evaluate where fisheries are over- versus under-exploited
  5. Identifying the externalities affecting inland fisheries and examining tradeoffs
  6. Determining the relationship between aquatic biodiversity and fishery productivity
  7. Understanding policies and governance structures that create sustainable inland fisheries
  8. Viewing inland fisheries as closely-coupled social-ecological systems with dynamics that depend upon human behavior, societal norms, and environmental quality
  9. Case studies from the large Lakes of the world
  10. Case studies from the large Rivers of the world
  11. Recent Progess in Standardisation of Freshwater Fish Sampling Methods

C.  Resilience, adaptive management and governance
Further information on this theme

  1. Recent advances in understanding of marine ecosystem services
  2. Economic valuation, resilience, adaptive capacity, transformability
  3. Multi-stable states, thresholds, regime shifts
  4. Institutional and organizational changes
  5. Social learning and networks and knowledge-system integration
  6. Alternative Approaches to Management – Science, Managers and Industry Co-working
  7. Understanding the contribution of marine protected areas and marine spatial planning to achieve sustainable exploitation
  8. Subsidies: Problems caused by ‘bad’ subsidies and how to change them to good effect
  9. Beyond just fish: energy and related environmental performance of capture fisheries and aquaculture
  10. Enabling small-scale fisheries and aquaculture to achieve sustainability through the transfer of technology and knowledge

Panel discussion sessions – speakers by invitation only

D.  Meeting the increasing protein demand through cultivation
Further information on this theme

  1. The importance of fish in food and nutrition security
  2. Demands of aquaculture on ecosystem services
  3. The science and use of genetic improvement programmes in aqauculture
  4. Integrated systems: from feed to product to waste treatment
  5. Marine aquaculture: opportunities and constraints
  6. Fish welfare, advances and application to wild capture fisheries and aquaculture
  7. The role of forage fisheries in aquaculture: sustainability, economics and ethics

Specialist Symposia

E. Anguillids: conserving a global fishery
Further information on this theme

  1. New developments in studies of eel biology (aquaculture/ governance/ climate)
  2. Population assessment models and their application (governance)
  3. Anthropogenic and natural impacts on eel populations (climate/ sustainability)
  4. Eel fisheries and eel trade (governance/ socioeconomics)
  5. The future of eel production: aquaculture and the road to sustainability (aquaculture/ governance)

F. Global marine hotspots network: Physical change, biological impacts and adaptation efforts in regions undergoing comparatively rapid changes.
Further information on this theme

  1. Definitions of climate hotspots
  2. Physical change & biological evidence from climate hotspots – fisheries and biodiversity
  3. Impacts on human activities in hotspots (fishing, aquaculture)
  4. Efforts to reduce science to policy gaps in hotspots
  5. Progress towards addressing adaptation challenges in hotspot regions
  6. Presentation of collaborative proposals/project ideas to improve adaptive capacity

G.  Fish and fisheries  responses to changing natural and emerging anthropogentic challenges
Further information on this theme

  1. Interactions of fish and fisheries with dams and water diversions
  2. Interactions of fish and fisheries with renewable energy installations
  3. impacts of economic growth, agriculture and aquaculture or urbanization on fish and fisheries
  4. Impact of marine or aquatic acidification and eutrophication on fish and fisheries
  5. Effects of oil exploration and mining operations on fish & fisheries
  6. Effects of storms, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions on fish assemblages & fisheries

Confirmation of Receipt of Abstracts

If requested, we will send and acknowledge via email, to confirm that your abstract has been received. If you do not receive this email within 24 hours of submitting your abstract please contact the Congress Organisers immediately.

Notification of Abstract Acceptance

Submitting authors will be informed whether their abstract has been accepted by the 27th January 2012. Please note that all presenters of abstracts will be expected to register for the Congress by 29th February 2012 or their abstract will be removed from the online submission system. Registration fees will need to also be paid by 29th February 2012 .

Amendments to Abstracts

Amendments to your abstracts cannot be made online once submission is complete. Please ensure you check your submission thoroughly before completing submission. If however, you need to make further amendments then you must contact the Congress Organisers at


Reproduction of Accepted Abstracts

Abstracts will be published in the WFC 2012 book of abstracts.


Selected papers will be published in a supplement to the Journal of Fish Biology.


All abstracts will be evaluated by the Local Scientific Steering Committee.